Update Digest for Week of 2012-03-24
Updates from the past week shared via Facebook and Twitter:- Be A Trader With A Scientific Mindset
- Trader Psychology is NOT the most important thing
- No Secret is the Real Secret
- Ben Bernanke Explains Why The World Will Never See Another Gold Standard: http://t.co/vOAb2A8c
- Book Review: Currency Trading in the Forex and Futures Markets
- The Dangers of Anticipating a Market Reversal
- Why Using P/E Ratios Can Be Misleading
- “….prices are relatively stable under a gold standard if and only if banks do not lend out more gold than there is.” Yes! Finally I see someone bring up fractional reserve lending in the gold standard argument…. http://t.co/k2zrTHOg
- Gold is not glittering so much these days
- Advice Requested: I need a hand-held device to read PDFs (mainly academic papers) away from a computer screen…. http://t.co/gNOX2C63
- @leanco @gregmikeFX I’d argue that greed is at least as much of an enemy of traders. Fear doesn’t blow them up, but greed does. #
- @gregmikeFX I guess it’s a matter of perspective. Greed will do you in quick from big losses. Fear does you in slow from poor performance. in reply to gregmikeFX #
- HFT Has Disconnected Commodities From Fundamentals
- @gregmikeFX I think greed starts earlier than holding too long. To me it come up frist and foremost in the position-sizing decision. in reply to gregmikeFX #
- Just added this to my reading list. The Wrong Answer Faster: The Inside Story of Making the Machine that Trades Trillions
- I told newsletter readers to watch out for falling yields
- The High-Yield Explosion
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